Issue 27 May 2010
The Integration Centre - Connecting Communities Advancing Integration, is committed to the integration and inclusion of people from immigrant backgrounds in Ireland. The Centre specialises in planning, monitoring and advocacy at local, national and international levels. Regionalized information, advice, advocacy and training services are provided and evidence-based research influences positive change in legislation, policy and practice. The Integration Centre has more than 250 affiliated organisations as part of its network. If you would like to find out more about us or support our work contact: Wale Mogaji, Head of Communications & Integration, The Integration Centre, 1st & 2nd Floors, 18 Dame Street, Dublin 2, Ireland; Tel: +353 16453070; Fax: +353 1677 0061;; CONTENTS • Integration Minister Hits the Right Notes• Monitoring Integration in Ireland: A Way Forward?• Meeting Immigrant Needs through Information & Advocacy• Immigrants Readi for Work• New Youth Strategy for Europe• Expert Group Publishes Integration Handbook III• AkiDwA Report: ‘Am only saying it now’ • Events• Jobs• Information & Advocacy ClinicsIntegration Minister Hits the Right NotesThe Integration Centre welcomed the recent statement by Minister of State for Integration, Equality and Human Rights, Mary White, TD in which she commented on the establishment of a taskforce and ministerial council on integration and an integration commission to address the existing and emerging needs of immigrants in Ireland. In his comment, Wale Mogaji, Head of Communications & Integration said, “The Minister’s early leadership sends a positive signal including that she is listening to communities and that real steps will be taken to ensure that integration and inclusion is taken seriously at national and local government levels.” Mr Mogaji also said, “Since the census in 2006 we know that more than 15% of Ireland’s total population and more than 10% in each local authority area now includes individuals and families with children from immigrant backgrounds. Given the complexities and implications of this changing demographic it is more important than ever that a strong and committed inclusion agenda is implemented by government in consultation with all sectors of society and so that integration initiatives already underway can be supported and strengthened in a sustainable way.” Mr Mogaji went onto highlight that the challenges presented for Irish and immigrant families alike due to the recession must also be tackled so that all who live here, including our young people, feel they belong and that their contribution is valued.” Mr Mogaji welcomed the Minister’s statement in relation to the rights and entitlements of asylums seekers in Ireland, including the proposal that asylum seekers are granted the right to work as provided for under the EU’s Qualifications Directive. Monitoring Integration in Ireland: A Way Forward? The Integration Centre has committed to developing and introducing a framework and model for monitoring integration at local and national levels. The model will be based, in the first instance, on the broad agreement reached at EU level via the Stockholm Programme. It will take into account economic, political, social and cultural factors and EU proposed areas for measuring integration including; access to employment and education, active citizenship and social inclusion. A set of core indicators will inform the model and The Centre will seek to collaborate with statutory and non-statutory organisations to develop the model and to capitalise on the differing sets of expertise already resident in Irish institutions and communities. The framework and model will be practical in nature with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of what integration means in the Irish context. It will compliment the policy/legislative analysis provided via the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) published biannually by The British Council and Migration Policy Group in Brussels. Given Ireland’s changing demographic landscape and the mandate that a general election be held by 2012, this initiative is timely and will, no doubt, reveal some interesting results. On a related note, the outcomes from the recent UK general election have produced an exceptional first – the election of two women MPs of Muslim faith to Westminster; Shabana Mahmood, Labour candidate for Birmingham, Ladywood; and Yasmin Qureshi, Labour candidate for Bolton South East, both who won their seats by large majorities. A total of 22 women candidates from Asian backgrounds ran for election this year from the three main parties. Up until now, the only Muslim woman in Westminster had been Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, who served as Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion and Social Action. The Integration Centre is encouraged by this increased political participation by women with immigrant backgrounds.Meeting Immigrant Needs through Information & AdvocacyThe Citizens Information Board (CIB) is the national agency responsible for supporting the provision of information, advice and advocacy on social services and more recently for the provision of Money Advice and Budgeting Services (MABS). CIB sponsored services can be accessed by logging onto, or Locall 1890 777 121 Monday to Friday (9am – 9pm) and via a network of 250 information centres and services across Ireland. The Integration Centre is funded by the CIB to provide information and advocacy services with a specific focus on the needs of people living in Ireland who are from immigrant, refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. As part of its business plan, The Integration Centre has recently been consulting with and presenting to senior staff from community information centres via a series of regional meetings convened by the CIB. This is facilitating a better understand of the ongoing and emerging needs of immigrants and how The Integration Centre can coordinate with services already in place to meet these needs. Kathy O’Connor, South West Regional Officer, The Integration Centre said during her presentation at a meeting in Charleville, Co Cork, “It is important to meet with the staff and volunteers from community information centres across Ireland to jointly share and develop our expertise and understanding of the types and levels of service already provided for people from immigrant backgrounds and to ensure our services continue to be relevant. This is particularly important given our commitment to expanding the information and advocacy service to better address the needs of people living outside Dublin and Galway.” The Integration Centre plans to roll-out its new service model later this year. Immigrants Readi for WorkThe Central Statistics Office (CSO) Seasonally Adjusted Standardised Unemployment Rate from January to April 2010 was published at 13.4%. The Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed (INOU) also published figures which indicated there were 433,000 people on the Live Register of Unemployed as at March 2010. In acknowledging the centrality of employment, The Integration Centre, has proactively led the READI project in Ireland. The project includes partners across the EU and aims to assist job-seeking immigrants in six countries. As part of its contribution, The Centre held workshops in Kilkenny, Limerick, Ennis and Clondalkin and future workshops are planned for Tralee and Balbriggan. Participants have the chance to examine critical success areas including CV presentation; interview preparation and skills criteria. Workshops are interactive and participants from the National Adult Refugee Programme as coordinated by the VEC attended the Ennis event. Peter Szlovak, Employment Officer with The Integration Centre, said “The success of this project hinges very much on collaboration. We are fortunate to have trainers of such high calibre (Dil Wickremasinghe and Stuart Duffin) who are committed to helping immigrants by passing on their knowledge and experience. By the same token, the support of our regional staff and local organisations, such as Doras Luimni in Limerick, The Integration and Support Unit in Waterford, Adult and Community Education Centre in Ennis - is essential in reaching our target groups. Most importantly, the workshops assist people who may otherwise feel alone in their struggle to find work.”New Youth Strategy for EuropePeter Szlovak, Employment Officer with The Integration Centre attended a two-day seminar organised by the National Youth Council entitled ‘Engaging with Youth and the World: from Policy to Practice’. Youth organisations, youth cafes and scout organisations were also represented at the event which provided a strategic opportunity to explore the new European Strategy for Youth and to focus on objectives relating to ‘Youth and the World’. The seminar provided an opportunity to examine the various ways that young people work and how developmental education can address global issues. “The learning from this event will inform the work of The Integration Centre including that relevant to integration planning and monitoring”, Mr Szlovak said. Expert Group Publishes Handbook on Integration III The Brussels based think-tank Migration Policy Group (MPG) published the third edition of the Handbook on Integration for policy-makers and practitioners last month. Published on behalf of the European Commission, the handbook addresses key policy and practice areas as they relate to the Common Basic Principles on Integration adopted by EU Member States in 2004. The handbook identifies 'good practice' from across Europe in each of its six focus areas; European exchange of information and good practice; Mass media and integration; Awareness-raising and migrant empowerment; Dialogue platforms; Acquisition of nationality and the practice of active citizenship; Immigrant Youth, Education, and the Labour Market. The document is a thorough and user friendly guide for policy-makers and practitioners alike, and supports development of an EU framework for integration. AkiDwA Report: ‘Am only saying it now’ AkiDwA, Swahili for sisterhood, is an authoritative, minority-led network of African and immigrant women living in Ireland. AkiDwA was established in August 2001 by a group of African women to address the needs of an expanding population of African and immigrant women living in this country. The organisation promotes an equal society, free of racism, discrimination and stereotyping. AkiDwA aims to strengthen immigrant women’s voices by applying a gender perspective to policy and practice and by promoting equality. AkiDwA’s recently launched report ‘Am only saying it now’ considers the circumstances facing women seeking asylum and living in direct provision accommodation centres in Ireland. The report notes that in December 2009 there were 6,482 people in direct provision and that approximately half were women. The majority had lived in direct provision for over two years, and were not entitled to work because Ireland opted out as a signatory to the EU’s Qualifications Directive. They received an income of €19.10 per week as part of the Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) scheme and €9.60 per week for each child. These figures are based on a theoretical calculation that a direct provision resident is receiving the full rate SWA by taking into account the State’s provision of accommodation, board and meals. In noting the vulnerability of this group, the report’s key recommendations include that:gender guidelines be developed and implemented a mandatory code of conduct, comprehensive training programme and Garda vetting be introduced for personnel working in direct provision a confidential complaints and redress mechanism be put in place a commission of inquiry take place to assess the mental, emotional and physical impacts of long term residence for women seeking asylum, protection or leave to remain in IrelandAkiDwA is led by its Board and Director, Salome Mbugua. EventsAfri will host a famine walk on Saturday, 22 May 2010 in Doolough, Co. Mayo. This is a 10k event, all are welcome to join in and show solidarity. A number of events are to take place around Africa Day 25 May. Amongst which is 23 May Limerick City Hall, Merchant’s Quay, Limerick. For information: or email: or call: 01 4885808.The Africa Centre will host its Annual Lecture on 25 May, 12-3pm in Trinity College Dublin. The theme of this year’s lecture is Sports as a Catalyst for Development in Africa. For information visit, email: or call: 018656951.The Trinity Immigration Initiative will host a Public Lecture by Professor Claire Wallace, Director of Research, College of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, entitled ‘Migration on Europe’s Eastern Borderlands’ on Tuesday, 25 May, 2010, from 18.30 – 20.30 in The Robert Emmet Lecture Theatre, Arts Building Trinity College Dublin. For information: Leslie McCartney,, or call: 01 896 3227.The Wheel has organized a national conference entitled ‘Building a Better Ireland’, to take place 27 May, 9 am – 4 pm, Croke Park Conference Centre. It will provide opportunities to engage with local and international speakers who will share their expertise on the challenges currently facing community, voluntary and charitable organisations. Further information call: 01 4548727, email:, in collaboration with the Africa Centre will host a new and exciting course called Exploring Africa on 27-29 May 2010 at Kimmage Development Studies Centre. For information contact Catherine Behan, 01 4064300, Direct Line: 01 4064307,, City Partnership Ltd. is offering a Diploma in Non-Formal Guidance. The course will be run over a two-year academic period at UCC - commencing Sep/Oct 2010 and finishing in May 2012. For information contact (021) 430 2310 or email: or visit: Deadline: 28th May 2010.The 4th DICE (Development and Intercultural Education Project) Annual Conference 2010 will take place in Limerick on the 17th and 18th of June 2010. Each year the conference aims to bring together academics, practitioners, student teachers, NGOs and all others in the education sector, to engage in dialogue and reflect on practice relevant to Development and Intercultural Education. To reserve a place, please complete the registration form available on the website: or email: Deadline: 31st May 2010.Trinity Immigration Initiative will host an International Conference entitled ‘New Migrations, New Challenges’ on the 30th June - 3rd July, 2010. For information contact Dr Ronit Lentin, Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin, call: +353 1-8962702, email:, Regeneration Partnership Ltd is looking for a Project Coordinator. For information contact Ms Josephine Treanor, Clones Regeneration Partnership Ltd, County Monaghan Library Headquarters, 98 Avenue, Clones, County Monaghan, call: 087 1781979/047 74710, email: Deadline: 5.00pm on Wednesday 19th May 2010.Cork City Partnership is looking for a Community Development Worker. For information contact 0214302310 or email: Deadline: Wednesday, 19th May 2010 at 4.45pm. Monaghan County Childcare Committee is looking for a Peace Project Worker. For information contact 047 72896 or call to the MCCC office to receive your recruitment pack. Deadline: 20th May 2010 at 5.00pm.St Fergal's Family Resource Centre is looking for a Project Manager. For information contact Deadline: Friday 21st May 2010 at 5pm.Newbridge Family Resource Centre is looking for a Full Time Community & Family Outreach Worker. For information contact: 045-438173. Deadline: Friday 21st of May 5pm.Threshold is looking for a Tenancy Sustainment Worker. For information visit Letters of application and CV’s should be sent to Threshold Recruitment, Office of the Director, Threshold, 21 Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 or Deadline: 21st May 2010.Threshold Access Housing Unit is looking for a Project Worker. For information contact Louisa Santoro at 01 6786094 or by email to Deadline: 28th May. Time4Us is looking for Relief Project Workers. For information contact Darren at 091-860018, Deadline: Friday 21st May 2010.An Taisce is looking for a Book-keeper – Part time. For information contact Carol O’Connor, Office Manager by email only: Deadline: Monday 24th May, 2010Kings Island Community Creche is looking for a Childcare Worker (Part Time). For information: The Manager, Kings Island Creche, Verdant Crescent, Kings Island, Limerick. Deadline: 4pm, Monday the 24th of May 2010.Novas Initiatives is looking for a Project Worker. For information contact Tracey Ryan in the Limerick office at 061 468033 or email: Deadline: midday - Monday 24th May.
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel is looking for Human Rights Observers. Further information visit: Deadline: 17th June 2010.Information & Advocacy ClinicsThe Integration Centre provides information and advocacy services on an outreach ‘clinic’ basis in Dublin and Galway. The following are the times and locations of clinics:Tuesdays in Dublin 10.00 -12.30, 1 Green Street, off North King St. D7 Wednesdays in Dublin 10.00 - 12.30, Blanchardstown Citizen’s Information Centre, Westend House, Snugborough Road Extension, Blanchardstown, D15 Wednesday in Dublin 1.30 - 15.45, Tallaght Citizen’s Information Centre, 512 Main Street, Tallaght, Co Dublin Thursdays in Dublin 10.00 - 12.30, Rathmines Information Centre, 11 Wynnefield road D6 Thursdays in Dublin 14.00-16.30, Meath Street Citizen’s Information Centre, 2 Gray Street, Off Meath Street, D8Clinics are provided in Galway as follows:Mondays in Galway 14.00 - 16.30, Citizen’s Information Centre Augustine Street Tuesdays in Galway 14.00 -16.30, Citizen’s Information Centre Augustine Street Thursdays in Galway 10.30 - 13.00, Citizen’s Information Centre Augustine StreetTelephone information services are available from 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Thursday on landline: 01 645 3070. Citizens Information Board services are available by logging onto, by Locall 1890 777 121 Monday to Friday (9am – 9pm), and via a network of 250 information centres and services across Ireland.
FUNDERSThe Integration Centre continues to be grateful for the support and assistance of the Citizens Information Board (CIB), Atlantic Philanthropies (Ireland) Ltd, the One Foundation, The Wheel and the Community Foundation of Ireland. If you no longer wish to receive this ebulletin, contact: Wale Mogaji, Head of Communications and Integration. The Integration and Social Inclusion Centre of Ireland, Trading as The Integration Centre, is a company Limited by guarantee not having a share capital; Company registration No. 473318; Charitable Status No: CHY 18944; Directors: Pat Montague (Chairperson), Yaw Dankwa, Liz Joyce, Jerry Moriarty, Logan Raju, Paul Rowe and Prashant Shukla; Chief Executive Officer & Secretary —Josephine Ahern. This e-bulletin and any attachments are confidential and may be legally privileged. The information contained within is intended solely for the attention and use of the addressee(s). If you are not an intended recipient of this email, you may not use, disclose, copy, distribute, print or retain this message or any part of it. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately and delete all copies of this email from your computer system(s). P In the interests of the environment please do not print this e-bulletin unless it is necessary.
UNHCR Ireland Calls for Nominations for Prestigious Refugee Award
UNHCR Ireland Calls for Nominations for Prestigious Refugee Award
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the people of Ca...
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